Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Winter's coming!?


Could today be a bad day to me....!?!?

Work cannot finish in time because of the rain, stayed till 7:45pm and thought I can go back. Then I found a punctured tyre and can't change it myself because it was tightly screwed. Well... have to call the foreman to do it... which will cost me $$$.

Finally, tyre changed at 8:30pm and the job is nearly finished. Got back home at 9pm. Thought it will be the end of today, got a call saying they got a problem with the job and asked for emergency help... hopefully the man will turn up by 11:30pm tonight... otherwise I will have to make calls to chase them and answer to customer... Well... I am still waiting... it's only 10:45pm now...

Again... my laptop's monitor went black out again... it happened since a few days back... everything is hungering for $$$... New tyre... Fix the monitor... Hopefully no more of these...

Well... I have been trying to look at the brighter side, that these aren't the worst things in my life after all.

Cheers... $$$ comes and goes... :(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

遗憾?还是 后悔?







Saturday, February 21, 2009

其實只要曉得活在今天,就是一種祝福了。Living today is a blessing.

我們人生的旅途是多麼的奇妙啊! 小孩子老是說:「等我長大…」長大了呢? 大男孩說:「等我成年…」,成年後,他又說:「等我結了婚…」等他真的結了婚又怎麼樣了呢? 他又想:「等我退休吧!」 終於,他退休了。當他回顧來處,心中免不了湧上一股寒意,因為他已經錯過了人生中的一切,什麼都沒抓住。我們總是太晚才認清生命就是生活,就是每一天,每一個小時。
- 摘錄自卡內基「如何停止憂慮,開創人生」。

其實只要曉得活在今天,就是一種祝福了。Living today is a blessing.